PIPPR Webinar 11th June 2020 - Using SWATH® Acquisition to understand the impact on the Proteome of CRISPR genome editing


Cobo Technologies PIPPR® platform has been specifically designed to understand, at the proteome level, the changes caused by CRISPR genetic editing of cell lines, whether of animal or plant origin.

PIPPR platformincludes large-scale proteomics expression analysis using SCIEX SWATH® Acquisition mass spectrometry. SWATH® Acquisition allows the identification and quantification of 3000 to 5000 proteins in any cell line, therefore detecting expression changes when comparing modified vs. wildtype cells. PIPPR® bioinformatics also include the analysis of pathways, gene ontology terms, and protein networks altered by the DNA edition. Since it is a non-targeted approach, not only the expression of the edited gene is monitored, but also the proteins showing differential expression in the same pathways and networks, and even off-target changes, can be detected.

On this webinar, we will show two pilot experiments from Lundbeck, one showing the use of SWATH® Acquisition-based proteomics pilot in assessing CRISPR-based knock-out and second showing the usefulness of SWATH® Acquisition to study full proteome in disease-relevant model systems.

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HashtagCRISPRHashtagCRISPR MedicineHashtagCRISPRQCHashtagGenome EditingHashtagPIPPRHashtagProteomic Analysis