Cobo Technologies

Re-analysis of SARS-CoV-2-infected host cell proteomics time-course data by impact pathway analysis and network analysis: a potential link with inflammatory response

PIPPR Pathway Analysis Framework used for Proteome Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Infected Cells



**AGING 2020, Vol. 12, Advance**

Interesting publication using the PIPPR Pathway Analysis framework to re-analyse proteomics time-course data from cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 .

"In the present study, we use the publicly available proteomics data from this study to re-analyze the mechanisms altered by the virus infection by impact pathways analysis and network analysis. Proteins linked to inflammatory response, but also proteins related to chromosome segregation during mitosis, were found to be regulated. The up-regulation of the inflammatory-related proteins observed could be linked to the propagation of inflammatory reaction and lung injury that is observed in advanced stages of COVID-19 patients"

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